In northern Greece, near the city of Serres, the Kri Kri dairy expanded their factory with HydroThane technologies for the treatment of their wastewater, solid waste and biogas.
Kri Kri is the biggest ice cream manufacturer of Greece. Besides their massive ice cream production, they also provide the world with authentic Greek yoghurt.
The production plant produces 3000 m³ of wastewater and 200 m³ of whey each day. The combined waste stream is rich in fats, oil, grease and suspended solids which are separated from the waste stream during pre-treatment. The left-over wastewater and solid waste streams are treated separately.
Every day, approximately 26 tons of COD is treated by the HydroThane STP® ECSB and HydroThane STP® SWD. This amount of pollution is equivalent to the wastewater production of a city with a population of over 200,000.
The installed HydroThane technologies are helping Kri Kri to create value out of wastewater and solid waste. When the treatment plant is operated at design load, approximately 500 Nm³/h of biogas is being produced. The produced biogas is treated by a HydroThane STP® CSP, a caustic scrubber which is designed to remove over 95% of the H2S.
The methane-rich biogas, which is a product from the degradation of Kri Kri’s wastewater and solid waste, has the potential to power over two thousand households continuously when converted into electrical energy.
Este un proces anaerob cu rată ridicată în două etape, cu succes dovedit în multe tipuri diferite de industrii.
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