HydroThane China signed contract with Dazong Biology for starch wastewater treatment in Tengzhou city, Shandong province.
Dazong was founded in July 1995, main business is starch research, production, and sales. The company’s annual output is about 200,000 tons “Dazong” brand edible corn starch, 6,000 tons of concentrated liquid enzymes.
The HydroThane ECSB plant treats 3,400m3/day starch wastewater, 40 ton/day COD. The system has been operated since the end of 2014. The customer is very satisfied with HydroThane ECSB stable operation and high removal rate.
Este un proces anaerob cu rată ridicată în două etape, cu succes dovedit în multe tipuri diferite de industrii.
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