Estonian Cell, the mechanical aspen pulp mill of Heinzel Holding GmbH in Estonia, increased its biogas production by 1.5 times in 2016. At the heart of this success is HydroThane’s innovative and patented ECSB (External Circulation Sludge Bed) technology, in operation since January 2014. The ECSB reactor with more than 4,000 m3 volume is the largest single ultra-high rate granular
anaerobic reactor in Europe.
With HydroThane’s technology, in 2015 Estonian Cell became the biggest producer of biogas in the country, with the production of 5 million cubic meters of biogas on site. Nowadays, one third of the total energy used in the company comes from the biogas produced in the treatment plant. The replacing procurement of natural gas with the biogas produced contributed for the reduction of it ecological footprint and also a substantial decreasing of the company’s production costs.
HydroThane’s state-of-the-art technology, provide innovative and sustainable solutions not only in the context of pulp production, but also for a plenty of other industries like breweries, beverage and food industries, chemical industry, bio-ethanol and distilleries.
Original press release:
Este un proces anaerob cu rată ridicată în două etape, cu succes dovedit în multe tipuri diferite de industrii.
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