A recent state of the art example of full scale application of different wastewater treatment technologies is one of the largest dairies in Europe, the Brasov Dairy Factory (FLB) in Romania.
This plant is actually the 2nd full scale biological treatment plant for the same group of companies-Olympus Dairies. The first plant built was one of similar size in Greece and is successfully operating 8 years already.
Fabrica de Lapte Brasov is an extremely modern dairy built in the beautiful city of Brasov. They process daily 600 tons of milk with the latest technologically advanced dairy equipment, while their market share is constantly increasing to the first positions in the local market due to the high quality of the products.
The FLB anaerobic facility is designed to treat 3000 m3/day of wastewaters, including 350 m3 of cheese whey and the total COD load is approx. 30 tons daily, which equals to a city of 250.000 people population
Efficiency and biogas
The overall efficiency of the anaerobic wastewater treatment plant exceeds 85% and 97% for respectively Total COD and Soluble COD removal. Herewith achieving far below discharge limits parameters, with minimum electricity requirements and sludge production since all wastewaters pass through the anaerobic process.
The biogas produced is reaching 600 Nm3/h (almost 4 MW) at its peak, covering a large part (if not all) of the total thermal energy requirement of the factory. It is stored in a gas holder and then is boosted in one of the existing natural gas boilers where it is used as priority fuel, substituting the largest part of the energy requirements of the facility.
Este un proces anaerob cu rată ridicată în două etape, cu succes dovedit în multe tipuri diferite de industrii.
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