More than 141.000 trade visitors from over 160 countries attended IFAT, the world’s largest environmental technology trade fair (source: And we were there! International was not only the audience but also our HydroThane team….
HydroThane will attend in Gorinchem (The Netherlands) the Aqua Netherlands Trade Show, 13, 14 and 15 March 2018. Aqua Nederland Vakbeurs is a national trade fair for (waste) watertreatment, watermanagement and watertechnology. For more information…
Estonian Cell, the mechanical aspen pulp mill of Heinzel Holding GmbH in Estonia, increased its biogas production by 1.5 times in 2016. At the heart of this success is HydroThane’s innovative and patented ECSB (External…
HydroThane will attend in Gorinchem (The Netherlands) the Aqua Netherlands Trade Show, 21, 22 and 23 March 2017. Aqua Nederland Vakbeurs is a national trade fair for (waste) watertreatment, watermanagement and watertechnology. For more information…
IFAT 2016 – May 30 – June 3, 2016 – München, Germany – Hall A3, stand 433 The world’s most important trade fair for the environment and waste disposal. IFAT Entsorga 2016 will be held…
HydroThane will attend in Gorinchem (The Netherlands) the Aqua Netherlands Trade Show, 15, 16 and 17 March 2016. Aqua Nederland Vakbeurs is a national trade fair for (waste) watertreatment, watermanagement and watertechnology. For more information…
Este un proces anaerob cu rată ridicată în două etape, cu succes dovedit în multe tipuri diferite de industrii.
View moreEste tehnologia anaerobă cea mai frecvent aplicată in epurarea biologică a efluenţilor industriali
View moreEste un proces biologic simplu care elimină hidrogenul sulfurat (H2S) din biogaz cu o utilizare minimă a substanțelor chimice.
View moreÎmbunătățește eficiența, întreținere minima și o durată de viață extinsă a reactorului.
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